Sample Title
Analyzing Tolerance Interval
Lesson Plan
The students will be able to read a printout and whether dimensions fall within an acceptable
tolerance interval.
Featured Externship Business:
Career Development
Grade Level(s):
7th and 8th
Learning objectives:
After doing this activity, students should be able to:
- analyze a computer generated report to determine if measurements fall within an acceptable tolerance interval.
Workplace Readiness Skill:
X Social Skills X Communication
X Teamwork X Critical Thinking
X Attitude and Initiative X Planning and Organization
X Professionalism ▢Media Etiquette
Type of Activity:
X Individual
X Small Group
X Whole class
Content Standards
Common Core State Mathematics Standards:
Apply and extend previous understandings of addition and subtraction to add and subtract rational numbers; represent addition and subtraction on a horizontal or vertical number line diagram.
Educational Frameworks
Model Academic Standards for School Counseling:
Academic Development Domain:
Content Standard C: Students will understand the relationship of academics to the world of work, and to life at home and in the community.
Core Performance Standard 1: Understand how to relate school to life experiences.
Career Development Domain:
Content Standard H: Students will understand the relationship between educational achievement and career development.
Core Performance Standard 2: Participate in ongoing, lifelong learning experiences to adapt to and excel in a diverse and changing economy.
ASCA Mindsets and Behaviors:
M 5: Belief in using abilities to their fullest to achieve high-quality results and outcomes
Behavior: Learning Strategies
B-LS 1: Demonstrate critical-thinking skills to make informed decisions
- After introducing the concept of tolerance intervals in previous lesson, have students view the computer generated reports which list dimensions and tolerance typically found in manufacturing.
- Individual students are to highlight any measurement they believe is unacceptable given the tolerance.
- Students discuss their report findings with their elbow partner. Both students should agree on the reports and be able to justify their reasoning to the class.
As a class, we will discuss our findings for each report and the importance of having someone double check our work.
Analyzing Tolerance Interval Lesson Plan by Michele Longsine is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.