Ratios and Rates in Beading: Lesson 4: Better Buy

WISELearn Grant Lesson Plan (Please delete all red italics directions before you submit)




Title: Better Buy

Author:Sara Mattson-Blume


Subject(s):  Mathematics


Grade Level(s): 6

Total Time: 1 class periods

Overview / Description:

This lesson is part of a series of lessons that indigenize math education by including an art of the Native American tribes of Wisconsin-Menominee, Oneida, Ojibway, Ho Chunk and Stockbridge-Munsee.  Beading has become ubiquitous in indigenous culture and is a modern art form. This context may be familiar to indigenous students as well as others. The unit starts with ratio identification and writing and moves to solving ratio reasoning problems, rate reasoning problems, and ends with graphing relationships. These are meant to supplement or replace current lessons. 

Learning goals/objectives:

After completing this activity, students should be able to . . .

  • Find the unit rate.

Workplace Readiness Skill: (place an X in front of all which apply)







  Social Skills







  Critical Thinking



Attitude and Initiative


Planning and Organization





Media Etiquette

Content Standards:

M.6.RP.A.2 Understand the concept of a unit rate a/b associated with a ratio a:b with b ≠ 0, and use rate language in the context of a ratio relationship.

M.6.RP.A.3 Use ratio and rate reasoning to solve real-world and mathematical problems, e.g., by reasoning about tables of equivalent ratios, tape diagrams, double number lines, or equations. 

b. Solve unit rate problems including those involving unit pricing and constant speed.

Materials: (include and link all necessary handouts, videos, additional resources so any teacher can use this lesson/unit with minimal prep)

Batter Buy Slides

Better Buy Pdf


Learning Activities:

Describe each step of the learning activity including strategies that will be used to meet the learning objective.

WHO (T=Teacher Focus Lesson; WG=Whole Group\; SM=Small Group; I=Independent)





Learning Activity Task                                                

WHO is responsible

for this step?

Approximate time

for task



What’s the Better Buy?

Display slide 3. These are images of two prices and amounts for beading thread. Have students think about the question. What makes something a better buy? Which one of these spools is a better buy? Allow students to share their conjectures without judgement. 


10 minutes


Activity 2: Which is the Better Buy?

For this activity, students have time to compute and reason, then pick which item is the better buy. They then move to the side of the room matching that item. Some kids will chose each. Facilitate a discussion about why each side believes they are correct and allow for students to change their mind. 


25  minutes



Closure: Discussion: What is a Unit Rate


10 min


Assessment: What evidence will you collect of student learning?  Link assessment tools here.


Lead a short discussion to answer the question, What is a unit rate?.

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