Jingle Dance Lesson (Lesson 2)

Title: Jingle Dance LessonAuthor: Natasha Verhulst
Subject(s):  Music
Grade Level(s): 3-5Total Time: 30-40 Minutes

Overview / Description: Students will learn specifics about the Jingle Dance.

Learning goals/objectives: Cultural Competence: Students will build upon knowledge of the powwow by learning about the specific style and meaning of the Jingle Dance.

Workplace Readiness Skill:

    Social Skills   Communication 
   Teamwork     x    Critical Thinking
x    Attitude and Initiative    Planning and Organization
   Professionalism    Media Etiquette

Content Standards:

Wisconsin State Connect Standards:

  • MG4.Cn.5.i: Compare the historical and cultural aspects of music with other disciplines.
  • MG4.Cn.6.i: Explain how music relates to self, others, and the world.
  • MG4.Cn.8.i Describe roles of musicians in various music settings and world cultures.

Social Justice Standards (Diversity Anchor)

  • 7. Students will develop language and knowledge to accurately and respectfully describe how people (including themselves) are both similar to and different from each other and others in their identity groups.
  • 8. Students will respectfully express curiosity about the history and lived experiences of others and will exchange ideas and beliefs in an open-minded way.
  • 9. Students will respond to diversity by building empathy, respect, understanding and connection.
  • 10. Students will examine diversity in social, cultural, political and historical contexts rather than in ways that are superficial or oversimplified.


Computer with projecting equipment or “Smartboard/Smart TV” technology

“Jingle Dancer” by Cynthia Leitich Smith

Wisconsin First Nations Tribal Land Map and Native Nations Facts – Can be viewed and printed here - https://wisconsinfirstnations.org/current-tribal-lands-map-native-nations-facts/

“Native American Dance and Regalia” video https://youtu.be/G8XCke66OrI

The Healing Dance” video https://youtu.be/cDQtYt_n9vY

Jingle Dancing Examples in Wisconsin

Extra information on the Jingle Dress Project here if you would like to share with your students! Links and information in the description. https://youtu.be/ZMg712eXKbU

Learning Activities:

Describe each step of the learning activity including strategies that will be used to meet the learning objective.

WHO (T=Teacher Focus Lesson; WG=Whole Group\; SM=Small Group; I=Independent)

Learning Activity Task                                                WHO is responsible
for this step?
Approximate time
for task
The teacher will welcome the students and complete their beginning of class duties (attendance, direct students to seat, etc).T(1-2 Min)
The teacher will recap the last lesson, reviewing the tribal nation that they are focusing on, that there are 11 federally recognized tribes in Wisconsin, asking a student to show them on the Wisconsin First Nations map once again where they are and ask another student to remind them where the tribe is currently. T, S(3-5 Min)
The teacher will ask students to explain/discuss what they learned in their last music class about the Powwow. WG(3-5 Min)
After class discussion, the teacher will bring up that there are different kinds of dances with different meanings, explaining that the different outfits that are worn for each dance are called regalia. The teacher will play excerpts or the whole video of “Native American Dance and Regalia”. T(5-15 Min)
The teacher will tell the students that the class will focus on learning about Jingle Dance today. The teacher will play the Storyhive video “The Healing Dance” for students to watch.WG(3 Min)
 The teacher will explain to the students that the Anishinaabe people are recognized in Wisconsin as the Chippewa tribes and will show them where these tribes reside on the map.  T (1 Min)
 The teacher will allow for student led discussion and questions about the video.  SM, WG (3-5 Min)
 Once discussion wraps up, the teacher will show the students the video of the corresponding powwow jingle dance video with the nation they are learning about. If there is not a video available for the tribe of jingle dancers specifically, the teacher will use the grand entry video from the previous lesson to point out the jingle dancers in the grand entry.  T (2 Min)
 When the video is complete, the teacher will read the book “Jingle Dancer” by Cynthia Leitich Smith. T (5-7 Min)
 The teacher will ask the students to contribute to discussion about if they were any special outfits or clothing to events in their lives. The teacher will also ask the students what things they do that they find healing.  WG (5 Min)

Assessment:The teacher will listen to students contribute their ideas and experiences of healing and connections to the topic during the group discussion.

Wrap-Up: As the students are wrapping up the conversations about the what they find healing, the teacher will highlight some of the examples they heard. Finally, the teacher will ask students some review questions such as, what is the jingle dance also known as? What tribe did the healing dance originate with? What is special about the jingle dance?

Extension Activity (for intervention or enrichment): Have your students look up extra information on the Jingle Dress Project. There are links and information in the description of this video from YouTube. https://youtu.be/ZMg712eXKbU Have the students put together a presentation to teach the rest of the class about the Jingle Dress Project.

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