Slip, Slide, Roll, and Drag: Wintertime Exploration of Forces and Motion (view)

Units included with this Open Author resource:

Slip, Slide, Roll, and Drag: Wintertime Exploration of Forces and Motion
Learning goals:
Students will use evidence from scientific inquiries to study how objects move so that they improve safety and experiences in the Wequiock School Community.
environment, environmental, inquiry, Inquiry-based Learning, forces and motion, science, outdoor learning, place-based learning, compasses, winter, orienteering, magnetism, questioning, wonder


This series of 5 high-quality, standards-aligned, inquiry-based lessons have been field-tested by third grade students of Wequiock Children's Center for Environmental Science and their teacher. These lessons encourage students to use natural areas around their school as they improve their science and engineering skills as part of a unit of forces and motion. Created as a part of a WISELearn OER Innovation project, Connect, Explore, and Engage: Using the Environment as the Context for Science Learning was a collaboration of the Wequiock Children's Center for Environmental Science and the Wisconsin Green Schools Network. One of the goals of the project was to create standards-aligned lessons that utilize the outdoor spaces of the school . These lessons were created to take place during the winter.