Math Classroom Observation Rubric
Math Practice Standards & Math Teaching Practices Crosswalk
CCSS Math Practice Standard (MPS)
NCTM Math Teaching Practices (MTP)
(Evidence from both the MPS & the MTP are present)
MPS1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. | MTP7. Support productive struggle in learning mathematics. | Students are:
MPS2.Reason abstractly and quantitatively. | MTP2. Implement tasks that promote reasoning and problem solving | Students are:
MPS3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. | MTP4. Facilitate meaningful mathematical discourse | Students are:
MPS4.Model with mathematics. | MTP3. Use and connect mathematical representations | Students are:
MPS5 . Use appropriate tools strategically. | MTP5. Pose purposeful questions | Students are:
MPS6.Attend to precision. | MTP1. Establish mathematics goals to focus learning | Students are:
MPS7. Look for and make use of structure. | MTP6. Build procedural fluency from conceptual understanding | Students are:
MPS8.Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning. | MTP8. Elicit and use evidence of student thinking. | Students are:
Adapted from: The CCSS Math Practice Standards and the NCTM Math Teaching Practices
By: The Spooner School District Math Leadership Team