Dream Collage - Janita Underly

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A dream written down with a date becomes a goal.

A goal broken down into steps becomes a plan.

A plan backed by action makes your dream come true.

Greg S. Reid

Dream Collage Directions

Think for a moment about who you are as a person- your likes and dislikes and all the things that represent who you are. If you could do anything at all with your life, what would you like to do? You are going to make a dream collage that visually represents what you want to become.

Using google docs, you will be creating a collage of pictures and words that show who you are as a person and what is important to you. Choose pictures of your hobbies, things you are good at, or things you desire to have in the future, do in the future, or be in the future.

Question to think about:

What would you like your life to be like as an adult?

Where do you see yourself at the age of 18, 21, 30?

What would you like to accomplish by then?

Do you want to get married and start a family?

Do you want to travel the world?

Do you want to write a novel, run a marathon, find a cure for cancer, or design a line of clothing?

Where do you want to live?

What kind of car do you want to drive?

What type of fun activities do you want to engage in? Boating, skiing, skydiving?

What kind of work do you want to do to support yourself and your dreams?

Pets? College?

Sample Project

Slide 1 Title

Slide 2 Collage

Slide 3 Explain your future and

answer this question: “The part of this dream that most appeals to me is ___ because___.” Write as much detail as possible

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