Study Skills for Middle School


Title: Study Skills for Middle SchoolAuthor: Cindy Bourget
Subject(s)All Content Areas
Grade Level(s): 6, 7, 8Total Time: 30-45 minutes

Overview / Description: Students will discuss what skills they already have for school success, and then focus specifically on study skills. 

Learning goals/objectives: Students will be able to identify different study skills/study behaviors and why they are important. Students will be able to identify how their behavior affect their success in school.  

After completing this activity, students should be able to . . .

Students will be able to identify 5 different study skills/study behaviors and why they are important, identify 3 study skills/behaviors that they use, and 1 study skill/behavior that they want to work on. 

Workplace Readiness Skill: (place an X in front of all which apply)

    Social Skills   Communication 
   Teamwork     x    Critical Thinking
   Attitude and Initiative  x  Planning and Organization
   Professionalism    Media Etiquette

Content Standards: Learning Domain: Career Development

Standard: Apply academic information from a variety of sources to enhance career preparedness and lifelong learning.

Materials: "Study Skills for People Who Hate to Study" YouTube Video, Follow Directions Worksheet

Learning Activities:

Describe each step of the learning activity including strategies that will be used to meet the learning objective.

WHO (T=Teacher Focus Lesson; WG=Whole Group\; SM=Small Group; I=Independent)

Learning Activity Task                                                WHO is responsible
for this step?
Approximate time
for task
 Cross the Line Activity
1. Have students line up on a tile line on the floor or place a piece of masking tape on the floor for them to line up on. Give the rules that they should not "judge" others for their responses, that there isn't any talking as everyone is making their decision, and that they should make their own choice-- it's okay if they're the only one to agree or disagree. Then say, "Step Forward if you agree, stay on the line if you agree sometimes, step backwards if you don’t agree." Use the prompts listed below. 
- I do my homework.
- I take good notes in class.
- I understand things that I have read.
- I know and use memory tricks to help me study.
- I get started on my homework in class.
- I have what I need for class with me.
- I ask questions in class.
- I’m happy with my grades.
- I start my homework early.
- I study in spurts. (I don’t wait to cram right before a test! I study several times for short amounts of time.)
- When I study, I focus on trouble spots—not just the stuff I already know.
- I pay attention in class for clues! (For example, I take special note when a teacher says, “This will be on the test.”)
- I sleep on it. (You make sure you get a good night’s sleep before school.)
- I fuel up. (I make sure to eat breakfast before school and lunch during school.)

2. Process why each statement is important when they study.

WG10 Minutes
Note Taking Activity
1. All of the Cross the Line statements have one thing in common… what do you think it is?
Answer: You have something to study! That’s why note taking is so important.

2. We’re going to watch a video about, “Study Skills for People who Hate to Study.” I have a prize for the person who is able to take the most accurate notes on the video. The notes should include:
- A list of the study skills.
- A definition of the study skills.

3. Watch video: (Study Skills for People Who Hate to Study)

4. Watch video and process their notes. Note taking skills to highlight:
- Shorthand
- Legible
- Complete

5. Give prize(s)
WG10-15 Minutes

Study Smarter Not Harder

1. We have talked covered many different strategies to become a smart studier. (Ask them to name a few.)

2. Our final activity will ask you to put some of them to use.

- Hand out “Follow Directions,” worksheet

- Give them time to do it.

3. Talk about studying smarter, not harder.

- These study tips (the ones from the YouTube Video and Cross the Line Activity) only work if you use them. Pick which ones you like. (Trying to use them all is like trying to do all of the steps on the worksheet.)

- Spend the time to do it right. (Trying to go to fast or waiting until the last minute is like going through all the steps on the worksheet.)

- On the back of the worksheet, write down the the 3 study skills you like and one you want to work on.

WG10-15 Minutes

Download: Follow_Directions_Worksheet.pdf

Assessment: Ability for students to self identify study skills/behaviors at the end of the lesson. 

Wrap-Up: See the end of the "Study Smarter, Not Harder" section.

Creative Common License: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

ATTACHMENTS  Follow Directions Worksheet

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