Career Cluster Poster - Via Google Slides

A short explanation about the assignment and myself.

Learn the definition of what is a career cluster & a pathway: (start at the 30 second mark)

Student Example: (You could either use Google Drawing or Google Slides.) 

I have uploaded a video explaining my expectations. 

(1) Include the name of your assigned cluster (Must be a good size headline). 

(2) List your career cluster pathways & at least 14 careers in total. Click here to view to view helpful posters that will list your assigned career and their pathways. 
If you have 4 pathways then at least 3 to 4 careers listed under each pathway. 
If you have 7 pathways then at least 2 careers listed under each pathway.
If you have 2 pathways then at least 7 careers listed under each pathway.

(3) Include a description of your cluster (right at the top at both resources) or - 

(4) List at least 3 hobbies or activities that are suggested for you to explore to learn more about your cluster. 

(5) Next you will be drawing/creating a career cluster mascot together as a group/team - You should consider the careers that are included in your career cluster as well as their skill requirements into your drawing. You may create your mascot directly in Google Slides, just like you did in Google Drawing, simply look for the tools or you could use Microsoft 3D Paint. 

6) Include a video that explains your cluster. Videos can be found at or and create a QR code by visiting this site then paste the QR code someplace in your poster.

7) Turn in your poster with both of your NAMES at the top, if you worked with a partner. 
Plan on walking around the room to do a gallery walk.

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